Peter Eastgate Puts His Bracelet Up for Auction at eBay

Peter Eastgate, the Danish pro player who resigned from poker earlier, winner of the 2008 WSOP Main Event has put his bracelet up for auction at eBay, claiming it didn't make much sense to be "just lying around collecting dust".

Peter Eastgate with the bracelet
Peter Eastgate with his bracelet

Of course it might sound ignorant and infuriating to just sell the biggest relic existing in the poker universe, it's not that selfish as it seems at first. Eastgate announced he will donate 100% of the profits to UNICEF.

"Of course, I am still extremely proud of my title to this day. But the bracelet itself, I am never wearing, since I really don’t wear any jewelry. So I thought that by giving away the bracelet and watches, a lot more people will hopefully be able to benefit from the items." - Eastgate says. The news is debated at Two Plus Two already, forum members are happy with the WSOP champion's decision, and think it's the best use for a WSOP bracelet. Well, much better than having it collect dust on a shelf I guess.

wsop bracelet
Peter Eastgate's bracelet

If you are interested in the bracelet, and would like to have it for, say, some home tournament with the guys or just want to follow the progress of the auction, visit the eBay page of the bracelet. The bidding started at $16,000, but there's already a bid. However I think, rich everyday guys won't stand a chance against poker rooms like PokerStars that I think will try to buy it and offer it as the main prize of a heavily promoted tournament. 9 days, and it'll turn out.

If you are interested and want to join the discusssion, visit the relevant Two Plus Two topic.